Rayrobi: Crash 4 – N.Hanced Completion Edition (Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time PC Mod)


This is a mod for Crash 4 designed to make completion and general gameplay more fair and more fun. It’s intended for those people who couldn’t enjoy finishing or fully completing Crash 4, or who don’t feel like replaying it because of its difficulty, padding, or unfair elements.

A more detailed description of all changes can be found on the mod page.

Also available: Master relics and remade relic times mod for N. Sane Trilogy

SGDQ 2024: “Crash Nitro Kart” (Xbox) Any% Speedruns (00:55:00) by McHooper on Games List

It looks like McHooper is listed to be part of the Crash game being speedrun for the upcoming Summer Games Done Quick 2024. This run is the Any% speedrun for Crash Nitro Kart on the original Xbox for a duration of 00:55:00.

Check out the rest of the submissions at Games Done Quick

Frogbull: Homebrew Tech Demo of Crash Bandicoot on the Sega Saturn (XL2’s Z-Treme Engine)

But Dr. Cortex, the Vortex is not ready! We have no idea what it could do!! 🤪


Disclaimer: All characters, sounds, music, levels and elements related to Crash Bandicoot belong to their respective owners.


LRGZ: WIP Preview for NST Tools (Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Modding)

Miharu The Fox: Titans of Legends – Spyro and Crash in the Late 2000s

When Spyro and Crash entered the online gaming scene with “Legend” and “Titans” in the late 2000s and early 2010s, things took a bizarre turn. Between weird browser-based games, forum drama, and shipping wars, it was truly a unique and captivating experience.

[LINKED] You can now share levels with other “Crash Bandicoot: Back in Time” Players on crashcreator.com

If you thought that it was a little tedious that there’s no centralized way to share levels with other players for the fangame “Crash Bandicoot: Back in Time”, now you’re in luck, because a new website has just opened for everyone to make an account, and submit their own levels for others to try out.

You can sort by types, tags, collections, users and even check out how difficult and long the levels are. Pretty neat, eh?

Check it out! (crashcreator.com)

Thanks for the tip, Sling!